Our frame of mind has has everything to do with the results that we get.

I had the best day on Sunday! Well, it didn't quite start out that way. In fact, I woke up early and went downstairs and my kitchen was an absoltue nightmare. My children and my husband must have forgotten how to put dishes in the dish washer, and they seem to be clueless when it comes to emptying it as well. So, I walked in to a sink overflowing with dishes. I could have screamed and woken them all up and had them come downstairs, but, I decided to change my thinking. Instead I just decided to get on with the task at hand.  I unloaded, washed, loaded, swept and washed the kitchen floor, then tidied the rest of the main floor. I put in some laundry, then showered and went over to vsit my Mom. On the way home I shopped for food, and when I got home the little darlings were up! I made a lovely lunch for my family. Yes, the same ones that left their mess for me!

Everyone was home, in their pajamas doing this and that. One of my daughters asked me to help her clean her room and we took it all apart and put it back together, separating give aways and throw aways, looking at old picutres and soccer trip souveniers, reminissing and laughing. My other daughter went for a run and did laundry, and the youngest daughter was busy with a painting for school and kept coming in and out inbetween stages of her artistic endeavour to see what treasures her sister had tossed aside.

It was one of those cozy, at home days. Nobody was fighting, everyone was peaceful, content, busy and doing their own thing. 
I was happy I didn't make a big deal of the mess in the morning. I could have and I would have been justified.
But, I would have set the tone of the day in a much different way.

This story is all about the choices we make and how we set the tone for our families or our co-workers, or our employees.  I had a choice on Sunday morning. I could have spent my day being angry at my family for leaving me the mess, making me feel like thier maid, but I chose to take pleasure in the Sunday morning solitude and enjoy my day with my family. It was a much better choice. It was a much better mindset.

Set yourself up for success each day. Consider your frame of mind and make choices that are going to bring you the results that you desire. How are you going to start your day?
Author:  Jacqui Markowitz